Welcome to Life, Love, and Beauty

Hello Everyone!!

My name is Ashley, I am a brand new mom to a beautiful baby girl named Maggie Rose. She was born with Gastroschisis and spent about the first 2 1/2 months of her life in the hospital. I had originally started this blog for a place where other parents of Gastroschisis babies could come and get answers and support, but after awhile it just turned into a story, thoughts, fears, and happy times that I chose to share with friends, family, and future followers. Now it is a blog that any women, any girl, or any mother can relate to and who can understand.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Blog...

 Hello everyone.  I just wanted to let you know that I am making some changes to my blog.  I would like to thank everyone who has decided to follow my blog and give me inspiration.  Even though you guys do not always give me ideas to write about, but you guys made me realize that I probably would have stopped writing on this thing weeks ago because I never thought that people would actually want to read what I had to say.  It surprises me, but keeps me going.  Like I posted yesterday I will be changing the name of this blog and most of it contents.  I will still talk about Maggie, and share our story with you all, but I feel like I am being misguiding because I am not just talking about Gastroschisis, I am talking about my life, my problems, my wants and wishes, and my fears.  I am opening my mind to everyone.  

I have some homework for you all.  I was thinking about renaming my blog Life, Love, and Beauty.  I want your opinions on this decision.  Also, I have taken notice that the blog has 7 followers now, that I have 7 followers now, and because I want to get my story out there and make this bigger thank just my story I want to try to get 3 more followers in a 15 days.  So if you know someone that you think would like what I have to say, PLEASE share this with them!!!

Until later tonight!

1 comment:

  1. I like the new name! :)
    And I'm happy to spread the word of your blog of course! I think this is a great learning tool for many people who don't know about Gastroschisis and this will be great if there are any other mothers going through that situation right now, to find your blog! They will be able to come to you for questions and and learn what to expect in that situation and also read about your story and everything you and Maggie have gone through! :)

    They have a great advantage by finding your blog, where you didn't have this tool when you were going through the rough times.

    I hope lots of people share your blog and spread the word to hopefully help people become knowledgeable about Gastroschisis and hopefully someone going through that will find your blog!
